SET: Seniors Embracing Technology

SET is a group of technology-comfortable members dedicated to helping those who are less comfortable.
Our surveys told us that older adults want:

  • to use technology, but it can be stressful to keep up with ever-changing technology;
  • a safe place to learn and have as a resource;
  • small group learning, targeted specific levels, even 1 on 1 learning opportunities;
  • to know how to identify scams and be secure in cyberspace,
  • tips and opportunities to follow when it comes to technology.

So SET defined its objective as “to deliver a variety of technology to seniors in a user-friendly manner.”  This is generally be done senior-to-senior by Century House volunteers, with outside support as needed.

What’s happening

SET highlights have included Bring Your Own Device events (see below), a revamped Facebook page, numerous Zoom presentations, 1-1 tech support from seniors for seniors, and more.

Bring Your Own Device sessions

If you have questions or need help with your electronic device (smartphone, tablet, desktop) SET can help. We’ve had good turnouts for our Bring Your Own Device support sessions, usually on the fourth Monday of the month (Apple at 10, PC/Android at 11).

The BYOD sessions are limited to Century House members only and priority will be given to those who pre-register. So please sign up in advance at the Century House front desk.

BYOQ for desktop and laptop

We’re piloting a new approach, using the Century House computer lab space to help with questions about desktop computers, which you obviously can’t bring in to us.


Learning resources

  • We have the first of the GLUU manuals for providing digital literacy training for seniors. The first set are for iPad, and they’re very good. Please contact Gail Craft if you’re interested.
  • GLUU and other resources for senior technology learning are listed here


SET is working with the Digital Inclusion Partnership, with Douglas College, the City, and the Purpose Society. The partnership  seeks to enhance digital inclusion—access to and assistance with modern communications technology—across New Westminster more broadly. The current project, the Digital Inclusion Hub, isn’t specifically aimed at seniors, but socially isolated seniors are a likely audience for future action.  The Hub runs a drop-in tech help centre downtown, and—just as SET does—encourages technology-hesitant people to come for assistance and advice. Here’s a background article about the Hub.

We also keep in touch and share information with the technical staff at the nearby public library.

Earlier activities

  • In summer 2019, we met with the New Westminster Public Library and became familiar with their computer equipment and technology courses. They are keen to help us offer similar sessions tuned for seniors.  They also run on the same city technology platform as we do.
  • In fall 2019, we presented a workshop on Cloud Storage and several sessions on iPhones. More such information sessions have been held ever since.
  • In early 2020, we started to offer training in the computer lab and 1-1 sessions wherever space is available at Century House.  The first step was an Open House and Bring-Your-Own-Device drop-in session; the latter continue once a month. Presentations continued online.
  • Also in 2020, we secured grants to fund some of the expenditures needed to make this a reality. We acquired some recording gear, an iPad and MacBook, and some meeting room hardware.
  • During the COVID-19 restrictions, SET members were active online, with the Talk New West video interviews, Zoom presentations by the Century House Players, social sessions online, and dozens of one-time or multi-session presentations on Zoom.


Get involved

SET IS LOOKING FOR NEW TEAM MEMBERS. You do not have to be an expert with electronics or software. Being comfortable using technology is the key. The main goal of SET is to encourage our members that their devices are not scary and to sympathetically help our members through a problem. We are looking for seniors to volunteer to offer support, and as we expand SET there will be other roles where you might fit in with this great team. Please contact Gail Craft for more information, at  She’d love to talk to you about our wonderful SET team.

When do we meet?

What Is The Cost?

Who can Join?