Darts Club

Go for the bull’s-eye! Welcome to all players, new and experienced.

Remember how much fun it was playing Darts with family and friends years ago? Wondering how you can get involved with the game again? If you have played darts before it is just like riding a bike, something you never forget! If you have never played darts before but are interested in trying the game; we’d love to have you join us for three free sessions to try the game of darts. The group has some spare darts you may use. If you are a first-time player; we will guide you through the rules of playing darts. Come and join us for the skill of the game and a great social time meeting new people.
For more information please contact: Mike at: CHDartsGroup@gmail.com

When do we meet?

Thursdays 1–3 p.m.
Hemlock Room

What Is The Cost?