Century House Players

Art, in all its forms, reflects the soul of a community.

New members are welcome to join us for improvisation and/or to help with various aspects of production. No acting experience is required. Perhaps you have always wanted to be on stage. This is your opportunity to join a wonderful friendly group of actors with  talented Directors, and an amazing prompter when those memorized lines just won’t come to you while on stage. We promise you a warm welcome, an exciting challenge and the opportunity to be part of a fun-loving, creative team.

For more information, email Eileen Mackenzie emackenza@gmail.com 

Coming up

Watch this space!

Past productions

You can see some of our recent work below.

Kindred Spirits & Improv

Fall 2024 brought our own play “Kindred Spirits” and a demonstration of the improvisational skills the players are learning. Yes, that’s Philip B as the Fairy Godmother.

Photo of the cast


The Dingle Dangle Sisters Go to Sea

The Admiral needs to once again ask the help of Retired Navy Officer Louise Brackman — this time to organize a military gala on board the newly decorated submarine!! Enjoy watching how everything unfolds for the gala. Our actors put on a wonderful production under the direction of Marilyn Remus. Valerie Ross again amazes us with her editing skills in bringing to life the gala in a submarine. 

Periscope Party

Written & directed by Marilyn Remus, this play is a real great farce on the Navy! You’ll laugh at what retired female navy personnel can do to a submarine when asked to get the ship operational! Will the Admiral be surprised – check it out!

Full Moon Follies

Full Moon Follies (based on a true story,) written & directed by Eileen McKenzie. What do two seniors see while sitting one lovely evening in their car at Gower Point Beach, on Sunshine Coast? You won’t believe it unless you were there too!!

The Dingle Dangle Double D’s

You’ll want to view The Dingle Dangle Double D’s on the Century House Association’s YouTube Channel. See why a reporter from the Lifestyle Gazette is coming to interview the three sisters and one cousin?? What happens when the wrong reporter shows up on their doorstep! There is lots of laughter because the three sisters and the cousin don’t realize they are speaking to the wrong reporter!

Flying High

Another fun Zoom play performed by the CH Players. You’ll have to watch the play to see who is Flying High and why! Find out why Coquette wants to “scoop Harold up in her arms”!

The Action Auction

Written and directed by Marilyn Remus, and performed by members of the Century House Players. A former CH Player, Bob Costello, returned to join the fun of a Zoom Auction.  You’ll be surprised at the auction items!

Is Love Cancelled?

Written and directed by Century House Players’ own Eileen Mackenzie.

The Incorrect Answer Is …

How can students be so creative with their exam answers? Do the students deserve extra credit for creativity? Does the Headmistress find true love at the Whipplewhiffer Academy for Exceptional Young Children?

Going Up or Going Down

Written by the CH Players Artistic Director Marilyn Remus, performed by five of our members, and edited by our member Valerie Ross.

Grace O’Malley, the Irish Pirate

In November 2020 our member Eileen Mackenzie did a solo Irish-accented presentation of “Grace O’Malley the Irish Pirate.” It’s a tale she wrote as a version of a true story about a wild Irish woman who was a wife, a mother, a pirate, a gambler, a soldier, and leader of men. Grace lived in the 16th century when Queen Elizabeth was conquering Ireland. The highlight of her story is when she travels to England to plead her case to Queen Elizabeth.

Directed by Marilyn Remus, Eileen now gives us the pleasure of her delightful reading of this interesting true story. Marilyn’s intro will give some more details. BONUS: Talk New West has a behind-the-scenes interview with Eileen about this show.

When do we meet?

Thursdays 1–3 , Douglas Room, when a production is underway

What Is The Cost?